Will You Be Making A Quilt As Part Of A Bridal Shower

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Creating A Gorgeous Home and Garden

After I decided to put my home on the market, I knew that I had to do something to improve the look and feel of my place. I started looking around at different ways to create a more beautiful home and garden, so that my property would sell quickly. I decided to completely renovate the exterior of the home, and it was really incredible to see the place come to life. I also had a landscaping team touch up my flowerbeds, and it was really great to see how much of a difference it made. This blog is all about creating a gorgeous home that you will love--so that you can sell it or keep it for yourself to love forever.


Will You Be Making A Quilt As Part Of A Bridal Shower

8 July 2019
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

Are you hosting a bridal shower for a special friend? Perhaps you are honoring the daughter of one of your close friends. No matter your relationship with the honored bride, you want the bridal shower to be a fun and memorable one. Do you have all of your plans for the shower made already? If that's not the case, maybe you are still looking for ideas. From having those in attendance work on a memory quilt for the bride-to-be to planning other wedding shower activities, here are some ideas that might help.

Working On A Quilt Together - Have you ever seen movies where it shows old-fashioned women working on quilts together? It can be a beautiful sight. And, the reason for that is that every stitch that goes into making the quilt represents love for the recipient of the quilt.

There are so many fun things to do to plan what kind of quilt you'll work on. For example, ask each of those on your guest list to bring one quilt square with his or her name written in permanent marker. Another idea is to have the quilt squares already cut out when your guests arrive. Then have each person write a bit of advice on the quilt square. For example, the bride might end up with fun advice like "Kiss Each Other Often" or ​"Laugh Together" as the advice on the squares. These will make great memories.

When the quilt is completed, think of having it finished off by a professional quilting service. That will mean that the quilt will have workers who have been trained and who have the experience to give it a very professional finish. Before you take or send the quilt to a quilting service, find out if you should press or starch it. While it won't be cheap, you'll probably be surprised at how affordable having professionals finish the quilt can be. 

Additional Shower Activities - Find out ahead of time if the bride-to-be enjoys shower games. If so, then play two or three short ones. Those present will mostly want to visit, especially if you are making a quilt for the bride. If the bride isn't crazy about shower games, consider spending some of the time with the bride telling how she met her fiancé and sharing what their future plans are. Another idea is to ask each person to give sage advice to the new bride.