Irrigation Systems Inside Your Greenhouse: What To Expect From An Irrigation System Installation Service

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Creating A Gorgeous Home and Garden

After I decided to put my home on the market, I knew that I had to do something to improve the look and feel of my place. I started looking around at different ways to create a more beautiful home and garden, so that my property would sell quickly. I decided to completely renovate the exterior of the home, and it was really incredible to see the place come to life. I also had a landscaping team touch up my flowerbeds, and it was really great to see how much of a difference it made. This blog is all about creating a gorgeous home that you will love--so that you can sell it or keep it for yourself to love forever.


Irrigation Systems Inside Your Greenhouse: What To Expect From An Irrigation System Installation Service

21 July 2016
 Categories: Home & Garden, Blog

If you have a nice, little greenhouse on your property, but you would like to be able to water and tend it a little more often than just weekends, you can have an irrigation system installed inside the greenhouse. The irrigation system, set on a timer, can water your plants for you in the morning and at night, relieving you of any guilt you might have over forgetting to water them. To get started, you will need to hire an irrigation system installation service like Hydrotech Irrigation Co. Here is what you can expect.

Overhead or Tunnel and Spray Irrigation

The company that provides you with your greenhouse irrigation system will probably give you two options--an overhead sprinkler system or a tunnel and spray system. Once you choose the system you want, the installation process begins.

Installing the Overhead System

To install the overhead system, the technician will create a pipeline that connects your greenhouse to your home's water supply. This can be done either by connecting the outdoor faucet to the greenhouse via a series of hoses or pipes, or a direct pipeline from the greenhouse into your home via the foundation. If your greenhouse is especially far from your house, then the installation company may dig up part of your yard to create a series of underground pipes that will connect to your main water supply. This hides all of the plumbing from view and keeps people from tripping over it too. (Buried water lines are also par for the course if you opt for the tunnel and spray irrigation system instead.)

Next, the pipes and sprinkler/misting heads are installed in the top of your greenhouse and connected to the pipe that runs up the side or back of it. When the water is turned on, the timer will block the release of the water until it is the correct time. There may be a few other controls connected to your greenhouse pipes and the installation technician will show you how these work.

Installing the Tunnel and Spray System

Most of the early steps to installing this irrigation system are the same as those used for installing the overhead system. The biggest difference is that this system will channel pipes or ductwork through immobile garden plots or planters and then release the spray upwards through the sprinkler heads and the dirt in these boxes or containers. Small holes may need to be cut out of the back of your greenhouse so that the pipes for the system can connect to the main water supply pipes that run up the back of the greenhouse.