Things To Pay Attention To When You Visit A Kitchen Showroom
Visiting a kitchen showroom is a great way to get inspiration and discover what you might want in your own kitchen. You can walk around, point out the elements you find attractive, and also make note of the elements you don't like. But if you want your showroom visits to be productive, then you should do a little more than walk around. Here are some things to pay attention to as you tour the facility.
The Scale of Various Elements
In the typical kitchen showroom, you will see lots of tiles, appliances, counters, and cabinets. As you view these items, make sure you pay attention to their scale, or in other words, their size. You may, for example, love a certain tile — but if that tile is really large and you have a small kitchen, it might not be the best choice for your home. As you walk through the showroom, spend most of your time looking at items that are the proper scale for your own space. This way, you won't fall in love with a feature that won't work at the end of the day.
The Layout
Most kitchen showrooms have multiple model kitchens set up. As you tour these model kitchens, don't just pay attention to the items used to create them. Also pay attention to the layout of the kitchen. Maybe one kitchen's setup makes it really easy to move from the sink to the fridge. Perhaps another layout looks perfect for your kids. Note the layout you like; you can always use different materials with that same or a similar layout.
The Material Quality
Don't just look at the various kitchen materials you see in the showroom. Reach out and touch them. Evaluate how sturdy they look, and how much maintenance they look like they need. A certain material may look lovely, but if it does not hold up to the way you use your kitchen, it's not the best choice for you.
The Color Pairings
Pay attention to how the creators of the showroom paired colors together. Even if you don't use the exact same colors in your kitchen, you can take inspiration from the pairings. Maybe, for instance, you notice that they've worked soft pink into a few kitchens without it feeling overwhelming. You may want to do the same.
Touring a kitchen showroom can be really fun and helpful, especially if you adhere to the tips above.